


TANO*C STORE’s International Shipping Method.

In order to shop at “TANO*C STORE”, you are required to register to “tenso.com”. Once you are registered,
you are provided with an address in Japan where the sent item will be transferred from that place to the address in your country.
By doing this, you are able to order at “TANO*C STORE”.

[STEP:1] Register at “Tenso.com”

You are able to register free at “Tenso.com”.
When you are done, you are provided with a special Japanese address. (This is also called “Tenso address”)

[STEP:2] Order an item at TANO*C STORE

When you successfully gained your “Tenso address”, you are now ready to start ordering at TANO*C STORE.

[How to order at TANO*C STORE]

・Selecting your item.
Click on the item of your choice.
Choose the quantity of the item and click [買い物かごに入れる] [(Add to cart)].
Make sure your item and quantity is correct and click [購入手続きへ進む] [(Proceed to purchase)].

・Entering your information.
Please enter your name, phone number, mail address and living address.
((In your living address, enter your “Tenso address”.
You are able to save your information by checking [会員登録する] [(Register as a member)]
so you do not need to enter your information again on your next order.

If you have registered as a member before, you are able to log in with your ID/Password.
After logging in, you are able to choose whether you would like to use your points or not on [ポイント利用] [(Use points)] tab.

*Please make sure that the information you have entered is correct.*

Please always select [クレジットカード払い] [(Pay with a credit card)].
(If you choose other methods of paying, the system will not work as it should and you will not get your item.)

We can only ship overseas with [ヤマト運輸] [(Yamato Transport)] at this moment.

・Order confirmation
Make sure your orders are correct and if you are OK, press [注文内容を確定する] [(Confirm my purchase)]
You will then be sent an e-mail from the store of your purchase.
Shortly after, the items are sent to Tenso.com storage.

[STEP:3] Tenso.com

・Ordered items sent to Tenso.com
When the items reached Tenso.com storage, Tenso.com will check on its item and how much it weighs.
After that, they will contact you that the item has reached the storage and how much it will cost to ship to your country.

[STEP:4] Shipping procedure (Confirming your item / Payments on shipping)

You are able to check of the items that you are able to send from tenso.com.
Please choose which items you would like to send and pay for its shipping.

[STEP:5] Shipping to overseas

After payments being done at Tenso.com, we will start shipping the items.
We will check if the items are legal/okay in your country.
(Tax may apply to items that was sent to you by the country’s customs.)

[FINISH!] Shipping complete!

*Identity Verification
Due to changes in the law of Japan, all of the shipping/transferring companies must check their customer’s ID from 2013/4/1 onward.
We will check 3 points in this procedure.

The customer’s name
The customer’s date and year of birth
The customer’s living address

For further information, please check My page.
We will keep your item safe until the procedure is complete.
Before using, please check on “How to use” and “FAQ” for further understanding of Tenso.com’s service.

For any inquiries, please visit: